Schickhardt Community School extension in Stuttgart
Next to the listed Heusteig Building, an extension is being built for the Schickhardt Community School. As part of the concept for a traffic-calmed neighbourhood, the playground will be integrated into the urban environment as a green oasis. In addition to a wide range of play and sports facilities, green islands invite people to meet and linger, enhancing the quality of life for the district's residents.
The ground floor, which can be used throughout the day, is the heart of the building, with a cafeteria and dining hall. Versatile in use, they can also be used as meeting places outside school hours. The first two floors, organised around a common centre, house the science rooms with various learning centres and teacher bases. In front of these, green-adorned loggias provide outdoor retreat areas on each floor and extend the spaces with herb gardens for educational use.
A pergola in front of the wooden facade spans the building as an airy second skin and over time, with the gradual greening of the facade, will give the new building a green cloak, while the seasonal shading and water evaporation from the leaf surfaces will provide natural protection from the summer heat.
2nd prize
Restricted design competition
Competition organizer
Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart
Outdoor facilities
Grabner Huber Lipp Landschaftsarchitekten, Freising
Structural engineering
Mayr Ludescher, Stuttgart
Loomn Architekturvisualisierung, Gütersloh