Hallenbad Süd indoor swimming pool in Tübingen

The new indoor swimming pool in Tübingen offers the opportunity to link the Neckar River and Neckar Valley cycle paths with the 'Sports Promenade' and its various sports facilities. Clearly structured and staggered in height, the indoor pool forms the cornerstone of the outdoor pool area. As the main building, the swimming hall establishes a clear focal point.


The adjacent avenue along the Sports Promenade ends at the forecourt of the new indoor pool. The continuing pathway to the Neckar River leads to terraced plaza areas at the end of the route. Seated steps invite visitors to linger and provide direct access to the water.


The new building is a modular timber construction with a slender, large glazed pilaster strip facade that creates an unpretentious and inviting atmosphere. A spacious two-storey foyer provides access to all areas of the swimming pool. On the ground floor, visitors have access to communal changing facilities for school and club use, while a staircase on the left leads to the public changing area on the first floor.


An optional sauna on the roof of the two-storey changing room offers visitors a spacious sauna area and an unobstructed view of the outdoor pool and the Neckar River.


48° 0' 0" N 9° 0' 0" W

2 . Prize

Planning competition

awarding authority

Stadtwerke Tübingen

energy consultant

L&P Beratende Ingenieure GmbH, München


Loomn Architekturkommunikation, Gütersloh
