[Translate to English:] Entwurf für die neue Dorfmitte in Sevelen von Auer Weber

New village centre Sevelen

Three buildings grouped around a spacious market square form the new village centre as an identity-creating ensemble. The aim is to redefine the centre through the characteristic buildings and to create a communal cultural space with high amenity quality.


A square-pointed building projecting into the street space and the historic town hall opposite create a 'gateway situation'. A longitudinal building along the northern boundary leads to the village square, which is bounded to the east by the community hall building. The three new buildings are similar in form and materiality: the upper floors rise above a mineral base in timber construction. Floor-to-ceiling window openings and a framework of cornices and profiled panelling structure the facade. Retail, services and restaurants are located on the ground floor, while offices, medical practices and apartments are located on the upper floors. 


The use of renewable, regional raw materials and materials, as well as a high level of deconstructability and recyclability, are key to the design.

47° 7' 12" N 9° 29' 14" W

Nichtoffener Wettbewerb


ARGE Auer Weber und Büchel Neubig Partner, Weinfelden (Lph 5-8)


raum.manufaktur.ag, St. Gallen


Rainer Schmidt Landschaftsarchitekten, München


Merz Kley Partner, Dornbirn



Kersken + Kirchner GmbH Beratende Ingenieure VBI, München


Asty Studio, München


Grüne Modellbau, Wolfratshausen
