The New Hauner Parent-Child Centre, Munich
The New Hauner combines the disciplines of obstetrics, paediatrics and adolescent medicine of the University Hospital of Munich at the Großhadern Campus. Its architecture is in deliberate contrast to the prevailing building structure. The Centre is characterised by an outgoing, welcoming design that follows the guiding principle of a pedestrian landscape. Instead of a rectangular compact structure, the design/concept envisages a spatial and functional mesh of intersecting and courtyard-forming building blocks. The floor levels are arranged in a staggered manner, with their facades, some of which are strongly recessed, giving the impression of built "height lines". In this "built topography", planted parapet elements, roof gardens in front as well as extensively greened roof areas all play an important role.
Internally, access is primarily via the east-west axis. Orthogonally to the latter, linking axes lead to the individual wards. Functions to be organised on one level, such as outpatient clinics, surgical areas, delivery rooms and intensive care units, are located on the garden and entrance floors, while the upper floors are reserved for clinical physician services, nursing areas and maternity units.
Competition procedure type
Restricted design competition
State Building Authority Munich 2
Healthcare sector