1st Prize for Neue Mitte Puchheim
Our competition entry, which was created in cooperation with Grabner Huber Lipp Landschaftsarchitekten, was awarded 1st prize. The planning includes the new buildings of the Volkshochschule, library and music school as well as the associated open spaces south of the old school in the Upper Bavarian town of Puchheim. Our design accommodates the required space program in three separate buildings, based on the feasibility study. These softly formed building blocks favour the flow of open spaces through the area without producing front and rear sides. The consistently two-storey development takes into account the grown environment and the old school to be preserved, which will also be an integral part of the new ensemble in the future. The urban planning and landscape-related scale of the neighbouring facilities - town hall, church centre St. Josef, youth centre and cemetery - will be adopted and the building mass and grain size of the measure will be in adequate proportion to the immediate surroundings.
The competition works will be exhibited at the Puchheimer Kulturcentrum PUC and can be viewed there from Monday, 24 June to Friday, 5 July, during the opening hours on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 8 am. to 12 pm., Tuesdays from 2 pm to 4 pm and Thursdays from 2 pm to 6 pm and also on the weekend 29-30 June from 10 am to 3 pm.