Auer Weber 365/2017

"A book, a magazine, or more a »bookazine«, a blend of both?" That is how graphic designer Kilian Stauss describes our yearbook, which can be purchased in the bookstores Werner and Limacher from today.


Quite often architecture communication is a depiction of heroes and outstanding achievements. Unfailingly there are big challenges to overcome, and definitely a celebration is due at the end of the project to mark the occasion. More rarely, however, do readers learn about the motivations, the reasons, but also the difficulties and setbacks, in our daily work. Therefore we decided on a magazine-cum-diary form for this publication, recounting 365 days at Auer Weber. We won't just show projects and competitions but will present in a continuous blog snapshots, interjections and thoughts occupying architects when planning. Very different voices will be heard, be it from an artist, a lighting designer, the intern or the managing director. For we understand architecture to be a great shared creative achievement.


The book can be purchased at the bookstores Werner in Munich and Limacher in Stuttgart for 28 euros. 
