Auer Weber repositions itself
Key decisions were taken to ensure the continuation and further development of agile work structures, a content-based and strategic orientation, and discourse and knowledge transfer within the office.
In order to put the office with its around 150 employees in Stuttgart and Munich on a broader basis and to strengthen it for the future, the team has also been reorganised in terms of personnel and structure: In addition to the existing five managing partners Moritz Auer, Philipp Auer, Jörn Scholz, Achim Söding and Stephan Suxdorf, five partners and 21 associates have been appointed.
Agile structures as a response to changing requirements
Against the backdrop of climate change, the finite nature of resources and also technical, economic and social changes, the prerequisites, foundations and framework conditions of planning and construction will change fundamentally, and indeed will have to change. The tasks set for and demands placed on our profession, our office and our activities are developing at increasing speed and are becoming even more diverse and complex due to change and the resulting challenges.
We want to be able to identify these topics in an agile office structure and to work on them with comprehensive expertise. To this end, we want to draw on the talents and skills of a much wider range of people, who will also share their knowledge across the firm, enabling a broad transfer of knowledge and insight.
The newly formed and expanded management level of Auer Weber consists of the five managing partners Moritz Auer, Philipp Auer, Jörn Scholz, Achim Söding and Stephan Suxdorf, and the five newly appointed partners Martin Klemp, Stefan Niese, Till Richter, Christof Teige and Felix Wiemken. They have been associates from the very start, and to date have played a significant role in the office's development and work. They enjoy a high level of trust and appreciation and are characterised by above-average commitment and loyalty.
In addition to overall management and project responsibility, including in some cases location, content and typology focuses, the partners will continue to play a key role in shaping the content and strategic direction and development of the office and will also represent Auer Weber externally. As "coaches" they will share their extensive knowledge and many years of experience with the new associates.
The circle of 21 newly appointed associates represents a diversity of talents, backgrounds and specific skills: in-depth expertise in different areas of planning, an overarching interest in architectural topics and issues as well as high design potential.
The associates Sascha Dehnst, Dominik Fahr, Toni Felber, Adrian Gessner, Birgit Gierloff, Markus Hennig, Sun Jong Kwon, Tobias Laipple, Andreas Lehr, Tania Leutbecher, Julia Müller, Rainer Oertelt, Jakob Plötz, Daniela Sacher, Julia Schmid, Thomas Schonder, İlter Ünal, Robert Vöhringer, Mohan Zeng, Johanna Zinnecker and Florian Zopfy will help develop and implement the content, structures and goals of the office in the future. The group of associates is not static, but dynamic and open to future changes and developments.
With the personnel and structural reorganisation, we want to strengthen our egalitarian culture, discourse and knowledge transfer within the extended management level and thus also in the entire office. Responsibilities will be broadly based and the future viability of Auer Weber will be further strengthened at all levels.
Photos: Ulrike Myrzik