DBZ journal partnership and accompanying podcast

As a journal partner, we have contributed to the design of the current issue of DBZ Deutsche Bauzeitschrift. On behalf of Auer Weber, Julia Schmid, Markus Hennig (both associates) and Felix Wiemken (partner) met with DBZ editor-in-chief Michael Schuster and editor Heide Teschner in a joint editorial meeting to discuss the topic of leisure, and to view, sort and select outstanding projects. The aim was to present a diverse and inspiring range of sports and leisure facilities, and the result can be seen in the current issue of DBZ.


In the accompanying DBZ podcast "Designing leisure", Heide Teschner and Michael Schuster talk to Julia Schmid and Felix Wiemken about the importance of leisure, its social significance and the resulting demands on architecture. You can listen to the podcast here


We very much enjoyed participating in the current issue of DBZ and the podcast.

Many thanks to Heide Teschner and Michael Schuster for their great cooperation.
