Short presentations - "Material for the Future" on June 13, 2024 (Kopie 1)

OFROOM visits Auer Weber in Munich

Material for the Future – Presentations in the Pecha Kucha Format

On Thursday 13 June 2024 at 7 pm, together with OFROOM, we invite you to short presentations in the Pecha Kucha format focusing on selected materials for sustainable construction.

Innovative materials and products from the OFROOM Material Service Tool will be presented in the Pecha Kucha format with entertaining presentations of 20 ppt slides x 20 seconds each. Material samples will be available. 


OFROOM is an innovation agency for architecture based in Vienna. Since autumn 2021, the OFROOM team has been working on a material service for architecture that is strictly oriented towards sustainability. Sustainability data is collected, analysed and made readable and comparable. Auer Weber is one of the first movers of the tool. 

Participation is free of charge.

We look forward to exciting content and lively discussions!


THURSDAY, 13. Juni 2024

Admission: 18:30 Uhr
Start: 19:00 Uhr

Auer Weber
Sandstraße 33, 80335 München


More information:


[Translate to English:] Ofroom zu Gast bei Auer Weber: Einladung zu Kurzvorträgen zum Thema Material für die Zukunft