“Next Step” in Heilbronn

The “Bildungscampus” (campus for education) in Heilbronn, initiated by the foundation Dieter Schwarz Stiftung, has grown by two more buildings, for DHBW (Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University) and HHN (Heilbronn University). The official opening took place on 25th October in the presence of Theresia Bauer, Baden-Württemberg’s Minister of Science, Research and the Arts.


The two buildings make up the first construction phase for Bildungscampus III. In 2018, a further building for the DHBW Master degree programs will be finished, followed, in 2019, by the Faculty of Business and Transport Management at HHN, the campus library for all faculties and universities on the site, as well as the new cafeteria. All in all, in 2019 around 10,000 students will find ideal conditions for studying in the very city center of Heilbronn. 
