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LAB 48, Munich Airport

The LAB 48 office building should set the scale oft he first block of the new LabCampus at Munich Airport and fort he quality of future developments in the area. The playfully additive approach oft he master plan being applied on site and the large overall volume articulated into smaller masses that form a general sculpture. The sense of scale and the interlocking nature of the individual structures reflect their network-like concept and the multilayer thinking behind their interior use. The architectural design associates images of industrial courtyard sructures and factory storeys to create a strong identity for the building.

48° 21' 15" N 11° 45' 15" W


2018, 1. Rang

Start of construction





Flughafen München GmbH


Auer Weber, München

Project control

Ed. Züblin AG, München

Outdoor facilities

mahl·gebhard·konzepte Landschaftsarchitekten BDLA Stadtplaner Partnerschaftsgesellschaft mbB, München

Structural facilities/ areas

C-I-P GmbH Ingenieure, München

Builiding physics

Müller-BBM GmbH, Planegg

Fire protection

Brandschutz Kaefer Ingenieur- und Sachverständigenbüro, Grafing

Technical equipment

SCHREIBER Ingenieure Systemplanung GmbH, Ulm (HLS)

ibb Burrer & Deuring Ingenieurbüro GmbH, München (ELT)

lighting design

ibb Burrer & Deuring Ingenieurbüro GmbH, Berlin

guidance system/ signalling

Büro für Gestaltung Wangler & Abele, München
