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New Therme Oberstdorf

The new Therme Oberstdorf spa complex is adapted and integrated into the structure of this open development of detached buildings on the outskirts of Oberstdorf. Offset gables create a pleasant scalability and allow interlocking with the open space to the east as well as views from the spa complex of the impressive mountain scenery. The gabled roofs, typical of the region, have a pared-down, modern design language, and the wood cladding is all-encompassing. The choice of materials and construction method meant a short construction time and will ensure low-cost maintenance in the future. The outdoor areas of the spa use the topography to create a variety of areas for guests.

47° 24' 17" N 10° 16' 36" W


Under construction



Start of Construction



Markt Oberstdorf Tourismus

Outdoor facilities

Grabner Huber Lipp Landschaftsarchitekten, Freising und 
Stadtplaner Partnerschaft mbb, München



Structural engineering

Konstruktionsgruppe Bauen AG, Kempten

Project control

Hitzler Ingenieure e. K., München

Construction management

MH Architekten, Kempten

Technical equipement

L&P Beratende Ingenieure GmbH, Haar (HLSB)
Planungsgruppe VA GmbH (ELS)

Building physics

Müller-BBM Building Solutions GmbH, München



Fire protection

Weldishofer - Ingenieurbüro für Brandschutz

Room acoustics

Müller-BBM Building Solutions GmbH, München

Baths/swimming pool technology

L&P Beratende Ingenieure GmbH, Haar (HLSB)
